Q. Generally speaking, I agree with the SSPX position on the Novus Ordo. It is not a new “form” of the same Latin rite, was likely never promulgated by Paul VI, and presents a new theology which undermines the priesthood, the notion of sacrifice, and the Real Presence. I believe that it is a non-Catholic rite and cannot fulfill the Sunday obligation. However, I saw an SSPX article1 recently that raises some concerns. Specifically, this passage: “…the celebrant must intend to do what the Church does. The Novus Ordo Missae will no longer in and of itself guarantee that the celebrant has this intention. That will depend on his personal faith (generally unknown to those assisting, but more and more doubtful as the crisis in the Church is prolonged).”
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Q&A: Does the SSPX Promote Donatism?
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Q. Generally speaking, I agree with the SSPX position on the Novus Ordo. It is not a new “form” of the same Latin rite, was likely never promulgated by Paul VI, and presents a new theology which undermines the priesthood, the notion of sacrifice, and the Real Presence. I believe that it is a non-Catholic rite and cannot fulfill the Sunday obligation. However, I saw an SSPX article1 recently that raises some concerns. Specifically, this passage: “…the celebrant must intend to do what the Church does. The Novus Ordo Missae will no longer in and of itself guarantee that the celebrant has this intention. That will depend on his personal faith (generally unknown to those assisting, but more and more doubtful as the crisis in the Church is prolonged).”