Q. God made Adam and Eve perfect in the original state of innocence, and we know that if they had not sinned, death would not have entered the world. Death implies bodily decay, so does this mean that prior to the fall, they had no need for food and drink, which prevent bodily decay? If there is no bacon or steak in heaven, and nothing could die before the fall, this would seem to indicate that Adam and Eve had no natural needs like this. In fact, possessing these needs would have placed them in a servile state with respect to other creatures, despite God having given them dominion, and it would mean that they were not in fact perfect. So did Adam and Eve have natural needs?
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Q&A: Did Adam and Eve have Natural Needs?
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Q. God made Adam and Eve perfect in the original state of innocence, and we know that if they had not sinned, death would not have entered the world. Death implies bodily decay, so does this mean that prior to the fall, they had no need for food and drink, which prevent bodily decay? If there is no bacon or steak in heaven, and nothing could die before the fall, this would seem to indicate that Adam and Eve had no natural needs like this. In fact, possessing these needs would have placed them in a servile state with respect to other creatures, despite God having given them dominion, and it would mean that they were not in fact perfect. So did Adam and Eve have natural needs?